Monday, September 6, 2010

Marburg, continued?

Marburg, well! Basically, it still rocks.

The school that I went to was interesting. What Guenter does everytime he goes to the school is talk to kids about what they want to do when they get older. Kind of like in the US where we go see our guidance counslers and they say "what do you think you want to do?" etc...

Following that I got to visit Elisabethkirche (pronounced with no th.. just the t!) and it was beautiful. The church was enormous and had a few sections to it. The main sanctuary, then behind it to equally open rooms just smaller in size. They contained what I would expect to be a smaller prayer area.. One that, I could not get into. o.o Something about no ticket?

During the week I was able to see a really cool show called regenplatz (i believe that is the name) and it was people who were doing acrobatics. A very comedic group and it was really entertaining to watch. I may not have understood it all but their actions were enough to explain the hysterical parts!

Other things I have done consist of visiting other castles, attending a church service and eating some gelato. (amazing!) Something we did do though was visit friends of who I am with... and that was an awesome time. The town that we went to was amazing! The name yet evades my mind but, we took a very long walk, perhaps 2 miles and saw the town! All around were cows, large fields and to the other side of me a large forest! This is how Germany is so different from the US! One moment there is Marburg, the large Universität Stadt.. and the next minute I am in an area that is almost like a blast to the past! The houses can be from the 14th century and the farming since then hasnt changed all that much. Germany... I have fallen in love with.

1. Waking up nice and early.. going to Frankfurt!
2. Taking the ICE train (den Zug?) to Ulm!
3. Host Family.

Bis spätter! (=

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